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95 danses tradicionals catalanes
Piano - Vol. 1 (1 - 54)
OLTRA, ManuelOLTRA, ManuelOLTRA, ManuelReg.: B.3893
26,00 €
P.V.P. (VAT included 4%)
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- Review: MANAU, Joan
- Ensemble: Solo.
- Genres: Folk music / traditional: Popular songbook.
Incidental music: Ballet / Dance.
- Language: Cast/Cat/English
- Product format: Partituras + CD / DVD
- Difficulty level: Elementary-intemediate
- Period: 2nd half S. XX - XXI
- Publishing house: Editorial Boileau
- No. of pages: 104
- Measure: 31,00 x 23,00 cm
- ISMN: 979-0-3503-3825-0
- Available in digital: No
- Available for rent: No
A collection of 95 traditional Catalan dance harmonized for piano by Manuel Oltra. They were composed to accompany dance rehearsals. These Works are not technically difficult. For this reason, the composer used simple harmonizations, in some cases of only four voices, with the ease and mastery that only a great musician can achieve.
Many of these melodies have passed from generation to generation thanks to oral tradition which has been notated by various musicians and folklore specialists. Thus, they are popular (or traditional) melodies, generally straightforward and simple.
Tomàs Manyosa - Les "95 Danses Tradicionals Catalanes"
Josep Ma. Serracant - Manuel Oltra, apunt biogràfic
L'aigua-ros (Castellciutat)
Ball de bastons (Vilafranca del Penedès)
Ball de cascavells (L'Atmetlla de Merota)
Ball cerdà (Gironella)
Ball cerdà -1- (Pallars)
Ball cerdà -2- (Pallars)
Ball cerdà (Vic)
Ball de la Cerdanya (Alp)
Ball de les cintes (Les Preses)
Ball de les cintes (Vallès)
Ball dels cercolets (Vilafranca del Penedès)
Ball de cèrcols (Vilafranca del Penedès. Ball del ciri (Castellterçol)
Ball de la coca (Sant Llorenç de Morunys)
Ball enrobat (Castellciutat - La Seu d'Urgell)
Ball de faixes (Maldà). Ball francès (Enviny)
Ball de garlandes (Sant Esteve Sesrovires)
Ball de gitanes (Penedès)
Ball de les majorales (Ulldemolins)
Ball de la morratxa (Gironella)
Ball de nans (Berga)
Ball de les nyacres (Castelló d'Empúries)
Ball de l'oferta (Mallorca). Ball pla (Alinyà)
Ball pla (Lladurs). Ball pla (Llavaneres)
Ball pla (Pallars)
Ball pla (La Pobleta de Bellveí)
Ball pla - El rossinyol Pallars
Ball del ram (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
Ball de rentadores (Alta Conca del Llobregat)
Ball rodó -1- (Pallars)
Ball rodó -2- (Pallars)
Ball del rogle (Areny)
Ball de Sant Ferriol (Senterada)
Ball trencat (Rosselló)
Ball de tres (Castelló d'Empúriies)
Ballet (Solsona)
Ballet i corranda (Folgueroles)
Ballet de Déu (Copons)
Ballet de Déu (Rocafort de Bages)
Ballet del rei (Els Prats de Rei)
La bolangera (Penedès)
La bolangera (Ribera de Cardós)
La bolangera (Solsona)
Bolero (Bunyola)
Els bombers catalans (Barcelona)
El carnestoltes (El Prat de Llobregat)
La vastanya (Pallars)
Contradansa (Alentorn)
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